Welcome back!
We hope that all of our families had a great Spring Break!! A reminder that the GA Milestone Assessment begins for our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders on Tuesday, April 10th. Because we will have multiple testing sessions going in the building and will be testing the majority of the day, we ask that we not have visitors for lunch on Tuesday through Thursday, April 10 – 12 as well as Monday & Tuesday, April 16th & 17th. Our lunch and specials schedule is different on those days and we will have testing going on all around the building. For that reason, we ask that we not have visitors on those days. Thank you for your understanding!!
During this week, please make sure your child is getting enough rest, eating a healthy, filling breakfast, and staying hydrated. We want them to be at 100% this week so they can do their absolute best on the Milestones. In addition, please send your child to school with a hearty snack. On testing days, we will be having lunch at the end of the day, so students will need a snack to tide them over until lunch.
Please do not allow your child to wear any Smartwatches or Fitbits to school during testing week. Student phones should be OFF in their backpacks.